Offer for students,
for students and teachers
We offer pupils, students and teachers the opportunity to use the accounting program Merit Aktiva premium and the salary program Merit Palk pro (up to 30 employees) completely free of charge.3
Merit Aktiva and Merit Palk are very easy to use programs. Most of the operations are automated, which saves your valuable time.
Popular financial software among students and teachers
To date, more than 700 students, pupils and teachers from many higher education institutions and vocational training institutions have ordered Merit Aktiva and Merit Palga student and teacher licenses. If you are interested in doing accounting on the side of school and earning extra money with it, you want to do your own company’s accounting and payroll, solve study assignments or just get to know our software, please first read the student and teacher license conditions below.
If the conditions suit you, order a Merit Aktiva and Merit Salary student or teacher license:
Add the following information to the letter:
- Name
- Email address (username for Aktiva and Palk cloud versions)
- A valid ISIC Student, ISIC Scholar or ITIC card number
(1) In some banks, the bank card and the ISIC card are combined. Please do not send us a bank card number, we cannot issue a license based on it. If you have such a connected card, you will find another number on your card in the form S372 NNN NNN NNN X or H372 NNN NNN NNN X. This number needs to be sent to us.
(2) If you use an ISIC Scholar card to order a student license, please send your personal identification number or a copy of the ISIC Scholar card as a picture. You must be at least 16 years old to apply for a license. - Name of university or vocational training institution
- Major / faculty / course / For teachers – the subject you teach (we only issue teacher’s licenses to teachers of accounting, economics and similar subjects)
- Which program do you want: Merit Aktiva, Merit Palk or both.
We issue Merit Aktiva and Merit Salary student and teacher licenses only for cloud versions. Before ordering a license, please create an Aktiva and Palga user account and send us the username of this account as an email address. Both Aktiva and Palka can be used with the same username and password. Merit Payroll’s student license is for payroll processing for up to 30 employees. The number of companies in Merit Aktiva and Merit Salga is not limited.
Tudengilitsentse väljastame Merit Aktiva premium paketile ja Merit Palga kuni 30 töötaja pro paketile, mõlemal programmil ainult pilveversioonile.
Merit Aktivat ja Merit Palka võib kasutada ainult see isik, kelle nimele on tudengilitsents väljastatud. Erandiks on Aktiva tasuta piiratud õigustega lisakasutajad, kelleks võib olla kes tahes litsentsi omaniku poolt kutsutud isik.
Litsentsi omanikul on litsentsi tellimise ajal kehtiv ISIC Student, ISIC Scholar või ITIC kaart.
Litsentsi omanik on vähemalt 16-aastane.
Litsents kehtib ühe aasta litsentsi väljastamise kuupäevast. Tudengi - ja õpetajalitsentsi kehtivust ei saa tasuta pikendada ega samale isikule ja kasutajale litsentsi korduvalt tellida.
Pärast litsentsi kehtivuse lõppu võib kasutaja oma valikul üle minna tasulisele litsentsile, kasutada edasi tasuta piiratud mahuga pakette või loobuda Merit Aktiva ja Merit Palga kasutamisest.
Litsents on piiratud ühe kasutajaga ja talle ei saa juurde osta lisakasutajaid. Aktivale on lubatud lisada piiramatus koguses tasuta piiratud õigustega lisakasutajaid.
Litsentsi kehtivuse perioodil on tudengilitsentsi omanikul õigus saada tasuta versiooniuuendusi ja kasutada kliendituge teistega võrdsetel tingimustel.
Õpetajalitsentsi väljastame vaid raamatupidamise, majanduse ja sarnaste erialade aineõpetajatele.
Litsentsi omanikul peavad olema Meriti poolt väljastatud arved tasutud.
If you send us the necessary data, after checking the card number, we will issue you a Merit Aktiva and/or Merit Salary license. It usually takes 1-3 days from sending the data to receiving the key.